Excel Basics

The best way to learn Excel is to start with the basics. Below I made a list of topics I think you should learn first when you’re starting out with Excel.

I highly recommend you to go through all of them, but if you’re more familiar with Excel already, check out more advanced Excel tutorials about Excel functions.

  • Workbook: In this lesson you’ll learn everything you need to know about Excel workbooks.
  • Worksheet: In this lessons you’ll learn about Excel worksheets. Worksheets are the pages you work on in Excel. They contain the cells in which you do all your calculations.
  • Cells and Ranges: In this lesson you’ll learn how to use cells and ranges, the building blocks of Excel.
  • Rows and Columns: Learn everything about this important concept in this lesson. Every cell’s location in Excel is named using their row number and column letter.
  • Format Cells: Formatting cells in Excel changes the way your cells look. In this tutorial I teach you how to easily format cells in Excel.
  • Formulas and functions: Excel formulas and functions are the most powerful feature Excel has to offer. In this tutorial I’ll teach you how to make both of them.
  • Find and Select: In this lesson I’ll teach you how to use the Excel Find & Select functions. It will allow to rapidly find and select certain cells and replace their text. A must know for when you use Excel a lot.
  • Printing: In this lesson I will show you how to print an Excel worksheet and edit all kinds of print settings to meet your Excel printing needs.
  • Templates: With Excel templates you can start using advanced dashboard and calculations out of the box. In this tutorial I’ll show you how to create ones yourself and find ones made by others online.

As we speak, I’m building this Excel 2013 course. Let me know if you have any feedback or comments.